Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Adventures of Monsieur Robinet (an excerpt)

Monsieur Robinet is out walking when he notices that all the colors are mixed up. The cows are Green. Green! They walk under a blue sun with a yellow sky. Monsieur Robinet takes his pear out of his bag and the fruit is grey - grey with stripes of violet, orange and black. He eats the pear. Madame Toutmoi approaches and says, 'Monsieur Robinet, I need you, desperately.' Monsieur Robinet is embarrassed. Suddenly Madame Toutmoi turns into an enormous potato. Monsieur Robinet places her in his bag and returns home to prepare his dinner.

- Procured from Adventure 14 in "The Adventures of Monsieur Robinet" by John Hegley.
Doughnut Publishing.

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