Thursday, June 10, 2010

Grotesque Blogism

.... Sometimes I Wonder if Bakhtin and Nietzsche, had they met, would have had long conversations about how one of them had despised Socrates philosophies and the other had despised Dostoevsky's works, and then both realized that neither of them are listening to each other and both were just looking for someone to talk to about their supreme and deificaitic dispositions.

and Then, they would precede to dance the macarena, and when dancing had subsided, they would sit in antler donned chairs by the fire and feed each other grapes from the vine. Then, Woody Allen would fan them with a giant peacock feather in this hypothetical reality where powerhouse minds argue, and then culminate with pampering each other, hedonistic style.
+ sultry women.

In closing, I recommend this article:

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